Tom Butcher

Professional Services for Music, Audio, Technology, and Leadership

Hi, I'm Tom Butcher.
Photo by Kelly O

I love bringing ideas to life. My work is at the intersection of music, audio, and technology, and I am a firm believer that when good ideas and stories are realized they can profoundly impact people’s lives in meaningful ways.

In my career, I have enjoyed the good fortune of working on a wide variety of ventures with some amazing people. Ever since I was a kid, I loved the way electronic music and audio sounded, and as soon as I could I began creating my own music and compositions with whatever I could find. I also was fascinated by computing, gaming, and eventually the Internet. Through my experience in the media and technology worlds, I’ve been able to take countless ideas and make them real. My experience includes creating successful businesses, creating dozens of musical releases, developing innovative musical technology, building teams from the ground up, and creating patented intellectual property.

But enough about me. This page is here because I want to connect with you. I am interested in freelance opportunities to apply my creativity, drive, skills, and know-how to your project.

• Music composition and production • Audio recording, engineering, and post-production
• Product and project management for digital music and audio technology • Talent development, mentorship, and leadership

Let's get to work.

Recent Projects


Patchwerks, a business I co-founded, continues to grow, servicing professionals, hobbyists, and newcomers to the world of electronic music making. I develop relationships with suppliers, manage our supply chain, curate the website, create marketing campaigns and graphics, develop our talent, and more.



ORQID, is one of my solo music projects. I created a mini-album of reflective music in my studio and released it on vinyl and digital. I collaborated with Benedictus on the song “Our Love,” and I wrote and produced the rest of the work. I managed the creative direction of all aspects of the product working with the graphic designer Wes Pearson to realize the cover, jacket, and website.


I recently joined the advisory board of, a startup developing AI technology and music for the next generation. Panjandrum recently launched AVTR, a digital act of four avatars who were featured at Helsinki Fashion Week 2020. Epic Games awarded Panjandrum an Epic MegaGrant in 2020. In my role, I use my experience developing music AI and avatars for Microsoft to inform the company’s CEO and other executives on market strategy and technical development. I also am a key person in helping to build the advisory board through my network.


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